Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rainy AK Day...

It was a rainy day today and everything is as green as can be. Seems like there was less wind, which was nice. Katie had a great soccer practice; she improves daily. Her confidence has really soared; it's a pleasure to watch her. What's more, she really enjoys herself out there: she has teammates who are her friends, and she is getting into being athletic.

Mom is doing fairly well; dialysis seems to be going fine. We are concerned about how much of her toe she is going to lose. Another trip to the podiatrist is scheduled for Thursday. She is at least getting blood to her feet again after last week's angioplasty.

I am on Day 11 of an iteration of South Beach Diet. I've had no sugar in that time, and a total of two pieces of bread. All other carbs have been veggies. Lots of protein. Although this is supposed to keep cravings at bay, for me it seems to not quite have that effect. I don't really think I have cravings, and not eating these things kind of makes me think of them...a lot. It seems that moderation might be a better approach, which is why I am pleased that I am close to the end of this "start-up" phase. I cannot imagine how people choose to do Phase 1 for longer. It is so hard to find food to eat.

 I crave variety and some simplicity in making food. Hard to do when my palette is limited.(No, not palate. Palette.)

Kirk and  I wanted to jump start our healthier eating plan this way, but do not intend to eat this way for long. I will say that Kirk craves the carbs way more than I do, and he really feels the effects of eating sugar. I am pleased to know that I have had the will power I've needed, and it makes me feel that I can use that will power when I move to a more relaxed approach.

What do I miss the most right now? Whole grain bread, rice, just having a more balanced plate. I love proteins, but they need a counterpart on the plate. And, surprisingly, I feel hungry when I don't have the carbs to balance the protein. Weird.

Most of all, I really, truly miss chocolate. Sugar fudgesicles and hot cocoa just don't do it for me.

I. Want. Chocolate.

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