Monday, December 27, 2010

Post Christmas Update...

It's been hectic around here during the Christmas season.

Mom's tremors and leg weakness got worse and worse, and by the afternoon of the 23rd, we decided to hit the Emergency Room. After not being taken very seriously for quite a while, blood tests revealed that her potassium levels were through the roof (critical levels) and she was uremic. This means that the home dialysis was not working, and toxins had been building in her blood. She was immediately hospitalized. For the past 4 days the doctors have tried to celan her blood with the peritoneal dialysis, but it just isn't doing the trick. SO this morning they put the heart catheter back into place that was removed just over a week ago...and they did hemodialysis. We are praying this cleans her blood faster and more efficiently. Once she is stable again, we will see what happens next. OVerall she is feeling really crummy. Being uremic causes your muscles to jerk around, and makes your brain fuzzy and makes it very difficult to form words and speak.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we had a lovely toned down Christmas with our three lovely kids. We ate our traditional monkey bread for breakfast and opened presents together. We had a lazy day at home. My big Christmas gift had not arrives, but I am blogging on it right this minute. Kirk got me my dream technology wish: a Macbook Air! I LOVE it, but have not got it set up completely yet. SO no pictures in this post. Soon.

One gift I got Kirk was HIS dream fitness wish: switching to Body Renew from the Alaska Club. A lot less expensive. He is eager to try it out...

I will post more later, including a little picture of mom.


  1. Sending good thoughts and prayers for your mom.

    The Knight would love monkey bread for breakfast. I'll have to remember that next year... or this Saturday maybe?

  2. Thanks, Channon! Yes, monkey bread is SO yummy. There are so many recipes out there. Every year has been trial and error!
