Friday, December 05, 2008

Another Possible "Coming Home" Date

Mom is feeling a bit better today. The pain she was experiencing due to the urinary tract infection is gone, because they have removed the catheter. She was told that if no other "incidents" occur in the next 24 hours, then she can come home to continue her recuperation. So we are hoping for no incidents!

Katie performed in her holiday concert yesterday and did not forget any of her lines. She did a super job, and the kids were adorable. Katie's class sang the Twelve Hawaiian Days of Christmas, and as the song built, so did a couple of the little boys' voices, until at the end they were pretty much shouting. The audience (especially the kindergarten students seated nearby) was laughing so hard the tears were coming. It was priceless. Our family was seated almost at the very back of the multi-purpose room, but I took a bit of video and some really bad pictures anyway. I will try to post them here later. Not sure how good they will be, but what the heck!

Mom says hello to all and many thanks for all the love and support that has been coming her way. I echo her sentiments!

I wonder if we will be able to get our tree up this weekend? Is yours up?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Glad to hear Ingrid may come home soon. I am sure that will help for the recovery process. I was going stir crazy after only 1 night at the hospital after Alister was born, so I can imagine what 2 weeks must be like. I have plans to decorate our tree sometime this weekend too. It's been up, but with no decorations on it. Clara says hello and hopes Me ma feels better soon.
