Thursday, March 29, 2007

More Aruba

I am going to post a few pictures that I could not load on the ship, due to the slow and expensive connection...

Aruba was colonized by the Dutch, and there is a beautiful old windmill from Holland that has been turned into a restaurant. Nearby, the beaches are beautiful and the cacti are prickly...

Aruba is a desert, and the cacti were everywhere. We found a herd of wild goats, hung out at the beach, and enjoyed the warm but windy weather.

The pictures above are at a famous local hangout called Charlie's. It was started many years ago and the grandson of the founder now runs it. The inside of the bar is covered with souvenirs; walls and ceilings are not visible. We had awesome giant shrimp and locally brewed beer, and enjoyed the stories of a local fellow who'd been around for years and years.

We liked Aruba; it was a very tiny island. The water was great to swim in, and the wind kept us cool. We rented a car and drove from end to end in very little time, enjoying the chance to see local areas. We picked up some European candy for the kids; many were a trip down memory lane for me ( Martina.)

Most of the "action" seemed to be on the coast where all the fancy hotels were, but we liked the isolated beach we found the best. All in all, it was an awesome way to spend a birthday!


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Wow!! Aruba! What an amazing trip! Are you home now?

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I just tagged you...check out my blog and I'm wondering what your 7 favorite things are about your trip???
